Use the links below to view messages from prior years.
Dates with a "B" are Bilingual English/Espanol
2025 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | Special Seminars | Unveiling the Sanctuary |
Date | Links | Speaker | Scripture | Topic: (Some services may be bilingual) |
12-28-2024 | Pr Harold Zapata | 1 Chronicles 29:28-30 | The God of our Times | |
12-28-2024 | Pr Harold Zapata | 1 Cronicas 29:28-30 | El Dios de muestros tiempos | |
12-21-2024 Bilingual |
Valley Adventist Christian School | Various | VACS Christmas Presentation | |
12-14-2024 |
Pr Harold Zapata | 1 Timothy 3:16 1 Timoteo 3:16 |
The Mystery of Godliness El Misterio de la Piedad |
12-07-2024 Bilingual |
Pr Basil Bell | Galatians 4:4 | In The Fullness of Time En la Plenitud de los Tiempos |
11-30-2024 | Pr Harold Zapata | Psalm 117:1,2 | Thankful Enough | |
11-30-2024 | Pr Harold Zapata | Salmo 117:1,2 | De tal manera agradecidos | |
11-23-2024 Bilingual |
Pr Basil Bell | 1 Thessalonians 5:18, 19 | Giving Thanks to the Lord Dadle Gracias al Senor |
11-16-2024 | Pr Fred Self | James 4:7-8 | I Believe in Miracles | |
11-06-2024 | Pr Felipe Sambony | Romanos 13:11,12 | El Zarandeo | |
11-09-2024 | Pastor Basil Bell | 1 Corinthians 11 | Bilingual: The Love Feast Bilingüe: La Fiesta del Amor |
11-02-2024 | Pr Steve McHan | Revelation 14 | Caught Up: The Eternal Gospel in Revelation 14 | |
11-02-2024 | Pr Jorge Montoya | Efesios 3:16-19 | Levantados en Su Plenitud | |
10-19-2024 | Pr Harold Zapata | Revelation 1: 17,18 | Death and Resurrection | |
10-19-2024 | Pr Harold Zapata | Apocalipsis 1:17,18 | El Mundo Extrano del Ocultismo | |
10-05-2024 | Pr Harold Zapata | John 14:1-3 | The Second Coming of Jesus | |
10-05-2024 | Pr Harold Zapata | Juan 14:1-3 | La Segunda Venida de Jesús | |
09-21-2024 | Pr Harold Zapata | Proverbs 24:5 | Marriage and the Family | |
09-21-2024 | Pr Harold Zapata | Proverblos 24:5 | El Matrimonio Y La Familia | |
09-14-2024 | Pr Basil Bell | 1 Corinthians 10:31 | How to Live the Christian Life | |
09-14-2024 | Pr Basil Bell | 1 Corintios 10:31 | Cómo Vivir la Vida Cristiana | |
09-07-2024 | Pr Harold Zapata | 1 Corinthians 4:2 | When You Give to a King | |
09-07-2024 | Pr Harold Zapata | 1 Corintios 4:2 | Cuando le das a un Rey | |
08-31-2024 B | Pr Basil Bell | Exodus 20:8-11 Éxodo 20: 8-11 |
The God of Our Rest El Dios de nuestro descanso |
08-24-2024 | Pr Harold Zapata | Hebrews 7:22 | The Eternal Covenant | |
08-24-2024 | Pr Harold Zapata | Hebreos 7:22 | El Pacto Eterno | |
08-17-2024 B | Pr Nancy Chadwick | 1 Corinthians 13:12 | Face to Face |
08-11-2024 B | Pr Harold Zapata | 1 Thess 5:20-21 | The Spirit of Prophecy | |
08-10-2024 | Pr Harold Zapata | 1 John 3:6-9 | The Divine Seed That Remains | |
08-10-2024 |
Pr Harold Zapata | 1 Juan 3:6-9 | La Simiente Divina Que Permanece |
08-03-2024 B | Pr Basil Bell | 1 Corinthians 12 | Spiritual Gifts Dones Espirituales |
07-27-2024 | Pr Charles Schultz | Genesis 50:19,20 | Only God Knows | |
07-27-2024 | Pr Zapata | Juan 17:21,21 | La Santa Cena del Señor | |
07-20-2024 B | Pr Zapata | John 17:20 Juan 17:20 |
Unity in the Body of Christ |
07-13-2024 | Pr Zapata | Mal 4:5-6 | The Return of Elijah | |
07-13-2024 | Pr Zapata | Mal 4:5-6 | El Regreso de Elias | |
07-06-2024 B | Pastor Bell | John 8:32 Juan 8:32 |
Free Indeed Gratis De Hecho |
06-29-2024 B | Pastor Nancy Chadwick and VBS Team | John 8:12 Juan 8:12 |
Jesus is the Light of the World Jesús es la Luz del mundo |
June 22, 2024 B | Pr Basil Bell | Acts 22:16 |
Why Baptism? ¿Por qué el Bautismo? PDF Aqui |
June 15, 2024 | Pr Harold Zapata | 1 Peter 1:1-5 | Chosen by an Eternal Father | |
June 15, 2024 | Pr Harold Zapata | 1 Pedro 1:1-5 | Escogidos por un Padre eterno | |
05-25-2024 B | Pr Basil Bell | Romans 11:5 | The Remnant El Remanente |
05-18-2024 | Pr Harold Zapata | John 6:41-42 | Ekklesia: The Called Ot Ones | |
05-18-2024 | Ladislao Maldonado | Éxodo 20:7 | Jesús, el nombre más hermoso | |
05-11-2024 B | Pr Zapata | Gal 5 & Heb 12 | Who's Your Mother? |
05-01 to 05-04-2024 B | GO | Pr Dan Smith | Revelation | The Amazing God of Revelation Series |
04-27-2024 B | Pr Bell | Micah 7:18 Miqueas 7:18 |
Part 10: Salvation's Metaphors Parte 10: Las metáforas de la salvación |
04-20-2024 | Pr Harold Zapata | John 15:3-5 | Part 9: Growing in Christ | |
04-20-2024 | Pr Harold Zapata | Juan 15:3-5 | Parte 9: Creciendo en Cristo | |
04-13-2024 B | Pr Basil Bell | Revelation 12 | Part 8: The Spiritual Battle Between Good and Evil |
04-06-2024 | Pr Harold Zapata | John 14:6 | 8. Christ's Mission for You | |
04-06-2024 |
Pr Harold Zapata | Juan 14:6 | 8. La Mision de Cristo Para Ti |
03-30-2024 B | Pastor Ernie Castillo | 1 Corinthians 15:14 | Why is there a Seventh-day Adventist Church? ¿PORQUÉ EXISTIMOS COMO UNA IGLESIA ADVENTISTA DEL SÉPTIMO DĺA? |
03-23-2024 | Pr Harold Zapata | Ephesians 2:1-7 | 7. Redeeming Sinful Human Flesh | |
03-23-2024 | Pr Harold Zapata | Efesios 2:1-7 | 7. Redimiendo la naturaleza humana pecaminosa | |
03-16-2024 B | Pr Nancy Chadwick | Philippians 4:13 | The Greatest Story Ever Told |
03-09-2024 | Pr Basil Bell | Jeremiah 32:17 |
6. The Good News of Creation | |
03-09-2023 | Pr Basil Bell | Jeremias 32:17 | 6. Las buenas nuevas sobre la creación | |
03-02-2024 B |
Pr Zapata 28 Bible Teachings |
John 14:16 Juan 14:16 |
5. God the Holy Spirit: The Eternal Comforter Dios el Espíritu Santo: El Consolador Eterno |
02-24-2024 |
Pr Zapata 28 Bible Teachings |
John 3: 13 | 4: God the Son: The Eternal Champion |
02-24-2024 |
Pr Zapata 28 Enseñanzas Bíblicas |
Juan 3:13 | 4: Dios Hijo: El Campeon Eterno |
02-17-2024 B | Pr Basil Bell 28 Bible Teachings |
Matthew 6 | 3: Knowing God as your Father | |
02-17-2024 | Pr Basil Bell 28 Enseñanzas Bíblicas |
Mateo 6 | 3: Conociendo a Dios como tu Padre | |
02/10/2024 | Pr Zapata 28 Bible Teachings |
1 John 5:7 | 2: The Holy Trinity | |
02-10-2024 | Pr Zapata 28 Enseñanzas Bíblicas |
1 Juan 5:7 | 2: La Santa Trinidad | |
02-03-2024 B | Pr Basil Bell | 2 Timothy 3:16 |
01/27/2024 | Pr Harold Zapata | Jeremias 33:1 | Confiando en Dios en la Oscuridad | |
01/20/2024 | Pr Basil Bell | Hebrews 13:5 | I Will Never Leave You or Forsake You | |
01/20/2024 | Pr Basil Bell | Hebreos 13:5 | Jamas de dejare o desamparare | |
01/13/2024 | Pr Harold Zapata | Jeremiah 29:11 | God Will Take Care of You | |
01/13/2024 | Pr Harold Zapata | Jeremias 29:11 | Dios cuidara de ti | |
01/06/2024 B | Pr Basil Bell | Psalms 138:8 | Your ways, Not My Ways Tus Caminos, no los mios |